Energy Materials and Electron Microscopy Group



[Welcome] Dawon Kim joined YUK Lab

관리자 2018.03.08 09:43 조회 수 : 8043

Dawon Kim joined YUK Lab as a undergraduate student.

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 We are looking for highly motivated under/graduate students or post-docs 관리자 2016.12.08 5520
61 [Invited talk] AsiaNANO 2018, Qingdao, China (18-21 Oct., 2018) 관리자 2018.10.24 417
60 [Invited talk] Department of Materials Science and Engineering, POSTECH, Pohang, Korea (19 Sep. 2018) 관리자 2018.09.20 304
59 [Welcome] Sang Hyeon Ji joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.09.06 317
58 [Invited talk] IUMRS-ICEM 2018, Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea (19-24 Aug. 2018) 관리자 2018.09.06 415
57 [Invited talk] Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST), Seoul, Korea (8 Aug. 2018) 관리자 2018.08.10 353
56 [Congratulations] Jae Yeol Park was awarded global Ph.D. fellowship from National Research Foundation of Korea in 2018 관리자 2018.08.07 472
55 [welcome] SeYeong Yun joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.07.12 418
54 [Congratulations] Our image featured on the cover image of the Ceramist file 관리자 2018.07.05 380
53 [Congratulations] Jae Yeol Park received the “The best post award” from Korean Battery Society 2018 spring meeting (24-25 May, 2018) 관리자 2018.05.28 361
52 [Congratulations] Our Nature Communications paper is selected as Editors' Highlights 관리자 2018.04.12 1858
51 [Congratulations] Prof. Yuk is selected into Marquis Who's Who 2018 관리자 2018.04.12 8501
50 [Conference] 2018 KSM Annual Spring Conference (June 20 - 22, 2018) 관리자 2018.04.05 3499
49 [Congratulations] Jungjae Park receive the “2018 M&M Student Scholar award” from Microscopy and Microanalysis 2018 meeting (05-09 Aug, 2018) 관리자 2018.04.02 6881
48 [News] Yuk Lab featured in the newspapers 관리자 2018.03.08 421
» [Welcome] Dawon Kim joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.03.08 8043
46 [Welcome] Myrzakhmetov Temirlan joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.03.08 327
45 [Welcome] Dao khoi joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.03.08 665
44 [Welcome] Yoon-Su Shim joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.03.06 336
43 [Welcome] Jae Sang Lee joined YUK Lab 관리자 2018.03.06 282
42 [conference] M&M 2018 meeting August 5-9, 2018, Baltimore, MD 관리자 2018.01.30 552