Energy Materials and Electron Microscopy Group



Prof. Yuk had a invited talk at Samsung Semiconductor Global R&D Center, Hwaseong, Korea on topic of "In-situ electron microscopy".

번호 제목 글쓴이 날짜 조회 수
공지 We are looking for highly motivated under/graduate students or post-docs 관리자 2016.12.08 5520
101 [Welcome] Chaeyoung Hwang and Jeongmin Kim joined YUK Lab 관리자 2024.02.28 1245
100 [News] Yuk Lab featured in the newspapers: Single-Molecule Graphene Liquid Cell Electron Microscopy for Instability of Intermediate Amyloid Fibrils file 관리자 2024.01.30 1259
99 [Congratulations] Sanghyeon Ji, received the best poster award from 20th International Microscopy Congress (10-15 September. 2023) 관리자 2023.11.20 769
98 [Invited talk] IMC20, Bexco, Busan, Korea (September 10-15, 2023) 관리자 2023.09.15 1361
97 [Invited talk] HT-CMC11, Jeju, Korea (Aug 27-31, 2023) 관리자 2023.09.15 644
96 [Invited talk] RIST, Song-do, Incheon, Korea (May 4, 2023) 관리자 2023.05.14 339
95 [Congratulations] Jacob Choe received the best poster award from the 20th Nano Korea 2022 Symposium (06-08 July. 2022) 관리자 2022.07.19 525
94 [Congratulations] Namgyu Noh received the best poster award from the 20th Nano Korea 2022 Symposium (06-08 July 2022). 관리자 2022.07.11 414
93 [Congraturations] Jungjae Park was awarded Research Subsidies for Ph.D. Candidates from National Research Foundation of Korea in 2022 관리자 2022.06.08 588
92 [Congratulations] Yoonsu Shim received the best poster presentation award from 2022 spring meeting for Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (27-29 Apr. 2022). 관리자 2022.05.10 521
91 [Congratulations] Namgyu Noh received the best poster presentation award from 2022 spring meeting for Korean Institute of Metals and Materials (27-29 Apr. 2022) 관리자 2022.05.10 273
90 [Congratulations] Jungjae Park received the best student oral presentation award" from 2021 Spring meeting for Korean Institute of Metal and Materials 관리자 2022.05.02 298
89 [Congratulations] Yuk Lab was featured in the newspapers 관리자 2021.01.20 3640
88 [Congratulations] Prof.Yuk got married file 관리자 2020.11.09 2477
87 [Congratulations] YUK Lab was featured in the newspapers 관리자 2020.07.07 1355
86 [Welcome] Jacob Choe joined YUK Lab 관리자 2020.07.07 5093
85 [Conference] Yoon-Su shim had a poster presentation at 2019 MRS fall meeting, Boston, USA (December 1-6, 2019) 관리자 2019.12.23 5535
» [invited talk] Samsung Semiconductor Global R&D Center, Hwaseong, Korea (November 29, 2019) 관리자 2019.12.23 6418
83 [invited talk] Postech, Department of Chemistry, Pohang, Korea (November 21, 2019) 관리자 2019.12.23 883
82 [invited talk] Work Shop on Lithium-Ion Battery and Next Generation Batteries (WSLIBNGB-2019), Chungnam National University, Deajeon, Korea (November 17-19, 2019) 관리자 2019.12.23 2957